Campus Snapshot
Welcome to Salado Elementary
Always Learning, Always Growing. Siempre Aprendiendo, Siempre Creciendo.
School Overview
Salado Elementary is home to two schools, a Dual Language Academy and The Leadership Academy.
Dual Language Academy
The Dual Language Academy is a Two-Way Immersion program (80/20 model) that integrates native English speakers and Spanish speakers for the entire school day. The goals of two-way immersion education are:
- To promote high academic achievement for all students
- To develop first and second language skills
- To promote-cross cultural understanding for all students
Language learning takes place primarily through content instruction in the two-way immersion program. Academic subjects will be taught to all students in both English and Spanish. As students and teachers work to perform academic tasks, the student's language abilities are developed, along with their knowledge of the content area subject matter.
The Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy provides unique learning experiences for students through a Project-Based Learning model that incorporates blending technology and classroom instruction. Service learning, career exploration, and leadership development are the cornerstones of our academy.
The Leadership Academy strives to build the global leaders of tomorrow. Our goal is for all students to have access to a high-quality education by being present and on time every day ready to learn.