Daily Schedule
Salado Daily Schedule
Student school hours 7:42 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
* Students are tardy after 7:42 a.m. If they are late, they will need a tardy slip from the office.
Office hours are 7:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
7:00 am Students can begin to arrive and should report to their wing.
Arrival Procedures
- Parents and visitors are not allowed on campus.
- Parents must remain in their vehicles and drop off students at the front.
- Parents may not congregate outside the school building.
7:30 am Teachers pick up students from the wing.
7:50 am Morning announcements begin.
3:25 pm Dismissal
Afternoon Dismissal Procedure
- Parents must remain in their vehicles and use carline to pick up their children.
- Cars must have car rider tag visible.
- Parents must use the appropriate lane for your child's grade. If you have children in multiple grades, use the carline for your youngest child.